Everyone loves a good make-over story! Well, we are in the middle of renovating this fantastic home that was built and designed in 1998. I don't know about you, but I was sure that 1998 wasn't that long ago, however, after seeing pictures of this home (and then looking up a picture of myself from 1998) I am so grateful for the great strides that have been made in home (and fashion) design. Now feast your eyes on the amazing transformation that is still just beginning for this amazing home and join with us in saying goodbye to all the dated designs and fixtures of yesteryear and hello to all the amazing new features and furnishings of this home.:
Are you seeing those crazy end tables that were there before?! Love the new flooring... and rug... and everything.
Goodbye pink walls.
Goodbye robin egg blue walls... and carpet. Hello amazing new wall color and gorgeous striped rug.
Goodbye matchy matchy everything. Hello fun lockers and loft bed!
I have no words for this one... just glad it's gone. Love the perfectly executed 'Americana' design in the new room.
Repeat. Goodbye pink walls.
You can just drink in what an amazing transformation has taken place here... but wait, it gets better...
There we go... how amazing is this! I know it's hard to notice anything besides the green walls and carpet but do you see that mirror wall. So glad that's gone. Loving the subdued elegance and relaxing atmosphere that has taken the place of that VERY green room.
Thanks to all those who have worked and are currently working with us on this home and a special shout out to our very own Yadi for all her hard work!:
Which room's transformation was your favorite? Comment below and let us know!